Following the vines ...

Autumn flying in Australia - you've gotta love it! We're just back from our latest ten-day flying adventure through southern Oz, a route that covered mountains, beaches, over-water stints, vineyards and islands. Catherine and I had 17 souls to herd on this one, scattered throughout seven light aircraft.

We landed on clay strips, red dirt, sparse grass, a smattering of black-top ... you never know what you're going to get on a WardAir adventure. We copped a couple of days of let's say, challenging, weather too. All character building, all brilliant experience, and all under the safety blanket of three flight instructors to help guide the way.

These trips are all about giving pilots a few tips, and the confidence to get back out here with their friends and go it alone.

We found ourselves amongst the vines of some of Australia's most celebrated wine districts, with stop-overs at Coonawarra, McLarenVale and Maygars Hill. We flew along South Australia's stunning Coorong, (where the Murray meets the sea) and hopped on over to spend two nights on Kangaroo Island. We even found that fabulous silo art in central Victoria - looks so cool from above.
Why not try a few of our suggested waypoints, and plan a safari of your own?