I just added Pimms into the heading because I needed another P word. But when I thought about it, I remembered we did actually partake of a few nips of that most colonial-inspired beverage while we were here. You have to celebrate Australia with passion sometimes.
The resort at Cygnet Bay is a great little find, just around the corner from Cape Leveque on that fabulous coastline north of Broome. We'd called in to Kooljaman at Cape Leveque a few times on previous trips, so were keen to try out Cygnet Bay when we heard it was open for business.
I will let the images do the talking with regard to the colours of the Kimberley around here, the islands of the Buccaneer Archipelago, the almost complete lack of civilisation and the endless stark white beaches ... it's one of the places on the planet I am repeatedly floored by.
There's nothing wrong with the length of the airstrip. Just don't stray off the centreline before you get to one of the ends. The fine red sand is definitely not compacted along the edges of the strip. Don't ask me how I know that.

Your welcome mat at Cygnet Bay.
It looks like there's only one road leading to here - One Arm Point Road, ending at the settlement of Bardi, (where there's another airstrip, so don't get confused.)

The airstrip at One Arm Point
We had two nights at the resort and reluctantly dragged our feet out of the sand on departure day. We could have easily stayed another day.
After you've done one of their signature pearling tours, had 40 swims in that spectacular blue sea and resolutely eased your blood pressure down to a serene hum, it'll be time to supervise the sunset. I tell you, it's all go up here.
You'll put your head down in one of half a dozen comfy glamping tents about a km up the sandy red track from the bar. An easy walk, and there's even a laundry up here, whatever that is.

Or sometimes you'll score a lift up the track.

Rossy loves it when I get the camera out at dawn.
Food and beverage headquarters is a big wraparound verandah with views out to the Timor Sea. You're going to want to give that view a lot of attention.

Or you can use the verandah for onward flight planning!
Did I mention the colours of the Kimberley?